version 1.5.42: -feature: added functionality for time ago in posts widgets -feature: added woo variables to woo fields - woo_price_withtax, woo_price_notax -feature: added option for term child filter role -optimization: reduced number of queries in post related widgets and dynamic template widgets version 1.5.41: -bug fix: fixed post select in post query version 1.5.40: -feature: added integration to woocommerce multicourancy plugins -feature: made some integration with translate press plugin -feature: added select post and select term attribute -bug fix: fixed dynamic loop css backgrounds with containers -bug fix: fixed mousewheel event in the carousel -bug fix: fixed some rare php error with filters version 1.5.39: -bug fix: fixed small bug with zip extract -update: updated black friday sale banners version 1.5.38: -bug fix: fixed galleries default sizes with post filters -bug fix: fixed hidden option in select filter in safari browser -bug fix: fixed non ssl assets url -feature: added "schema" special attribute -bug fix: fixed false autoplay in carousel version 1.5.37: -bug fix: fixed 1px glitch bug in the carousel, on 1 item (slide mode) -feature: prepared the filters to work with ajax search version 1.5.36: -feature: added function that outputs items schema -feature: improved include by meta in posts selection, added option for multiple values -bug fix: fixed count posts in post query summary -bug fix: fixed entrance animation blur type -addition: validate number of post list attributes, allow only one when creating widget -bug fix: fixed avoid duplicates with random order while posts load more -bug fix: the timeout now reset after slide change in owl carousel -bug fix: fixed terms selection taxonomies with idetical post type title -bug fix: added protection against inifinite loop in putElementorTemplate twig function -feature: added option to get current user with meta in twig -bug fix: fixed acf field unaccessable in some cases with elementor pro 3.8 version 1.5.35: -bug fix: fixed include by id's from dynamic field, and terms from dynamic field in post selection version 1.5.34: -feature: added items image size attribute (special type) -bug fix: fixed show backgrounds in elementor editor version 1.5.33: -bug fix: fixed avoid duplicates with filters -feature: added avoid duplicates option to manual posts selection -bug fix: fixed select dropdown filter js version 1.5.32: -bug fix: fixed some ajax pagination issues -bug fix: fixed pagination widget appearance on archive ajax pages with filters -feature: added twig functionality to put product attributes text -bug fix: fixed export with images not worked in some cases -bug fix: made some protection with ezcache plugin integration and filtering -bug fix: fixed some small php bug with this month post selection -bug fix: fixed some visible and hidden filters collision -feature: added multiple taxonomy terms in term selection -feature: added query id in terms selection -bug fix: fixed terms select in terms filter on history back click in filters -bug fix: set child filter always first unselected -bug fix: set option for the tabs filter to be unselected -bug fix: fixed the pagination numbers if exclude offset chosen version 1.5.31: -bug fix: fixed thumbs gallery version 1.5.30: -bug fix: fixed multiple post filters and grid connection -bug fix: fixed various small php errors -bug fix: fixed wordpress popular posts integration small bug -feature: added terms from dynamic post selection option -feature: added option for limiting terms show in post list -change: updated once more unitegallery graphics, changed assets to svg -bug fix: fixed thumbnail gallery arrows version 1.5.29: -bug fix: fixed a small issue with search page and load more -bug fix: fix vimeo videos stoppped playing bug version 1.5.28: -bug fix: fixed some small js bug with filters -feature: added support for the select filter -bug fix: fixed some post filters related popup error -change: changed the way that galleries srolls by mouseover version 1.5.27: -bug fix: fixed popular posts plugin integration -bug fix: removed some console logs in filter.js file -change: renamed field - "use dynamic fields" to "use current post data" in widget editor -change: updated freemius sdk to: 2.4.5 -bug fix: fixed ajax pagination jump -bug fix: fixed unitegallery strict standards bugs version 1.5.26: -feature: added debug to remote elements -bug fix: made some protection against wrong animation names in carousel -bug fix: added some small fixes to carousel and remote sync js libraries -bug fix: done a better find closest section in remote -bug fix: fixed not showing values in elementor editor post selectors version 1.5.25: -bug fix: fixed some more lazy load related protections in galleries -feature: added option to set title field in items -bug fix: Fixed some Elementor 3.7 deprecation issues version 1.5.24: -bug fix: fixed some Elementor 3.7 related js bug in editor version 1.5.23: -feature: added date format to date meta field post selection -bug fix: fixed some unitegallery strict related scripts -bug fix: fixed sequance entrance animation attribute -feature: added more units to padding and margin attribute -feature: added option to set selected tab number in tabs filter widget -bug fix: fixed some text with pagination edit mode in elementor editor -bug fix: fixed ajax pagination didn't get back to first page -change: prepare the right way dates should work in post list -bug fix: fixed tabs filter and taxonomy terms in one page version 1.5.22: -feature: added option to connect to another parent in remote arrows -bug fix: fixed doubly plugin integration import bg widgets -feature: added change url and back button in ajax filers behaviour -bug fix: fixed remote next/prev directions in carousels -bug fix: added some more protection against infinite loops from post content processing version 1.5.21: -change: end of birthday sale message update -feature: added docstart and docend template in widget js -change: added warning message in case of twig collision with other plugins version 1.5.20: -bug fix: fixed ajax pagination in some cases -bug fix: fixed small php bug with hover animations control -bug fix: fixed lity lightbox with vimeo autoplay -feature: added more widget debug type - current post fields -bug fix: fixed item index after shuffle -feature: updated admin title on edit widget view -bug fix: fixed some seleted tab filters related issues -bug fix: fixed load more filter doubly ajax request in some cases -feature: added option to carousel: scroll to head -change: changed gallery arrows to svg -bug fix: fixed woo scedualed sale price output -feature: added query data attributes into filtering grid -bug fix: in filters replace url with pagination as well version 1.5.19: -feature: added max posts to current query -bug fix: fixed controls conditions for elementor template control -feature: added more fields to dynamic grid loop (was only title) -change: added birthday sale banner and text version 1.5.18: -change: updated fancybox version -bug fix: Fixed bug with ajax load more and ajax pagination version 1.5.17: -feature: fixed entrance animation attribute -bug fix: fixed uc_inside_editor variable inside background widget -bug fix: fixed empty default value of radio boolean control -bug fix: fixed double filtering issues in archive pages version 1.5.16: -bug fix: fixed double plugin versions in pro version -bug fix: fixed 1 size gap in one item owl carousel -bug fix: fixed the dissapearing options bug in mobile version 1.5.15: -change: set cache folder inside wp-uploads -feature: added option to get terms last level only - for post list / grid -feature: added twig function - get_current_user -feature: disabled right click on html5 galleries (unite gallery) -bug fix: the image and video repeater was missing default items -bug fix: fixed load more and filters on a search page -bug fix: fixed carousel stage padding issues -bug fix: fixed carousel 1 item one pixel issues -bug fix: fixed default values in responsive selectors version 1.5.14: -bug fix: fixed responsive default values with selectors in number and dropdown and slider controls -bug fix: fixed a bug in run_code_once functionality version 1.5.13: -bug fix: fixed sync bug between two similar elements -bug fix: fixed filters loading with wp-rocket lazy load scripts -bug fix: fixed put_hide_ids_css function small bug -bug fix: fixed fetch 2 and more widgets within one section for filtering -bug fix: fixed slider control js empty output bug -feature: added integration with "sticky posts switch" plugin -feature: added special attribute type - entrance animation -bug fix: fixed gallery title as number js bug -bug fix: fixed gallery images from meta fields source as array version 1.5.12: -feature: added integration for wpml media change -feature: bug fix: fixed hover animations setting don't work on front in some cases -bug fix: fixed blank window opened by a link -bug fix: fixed acf boolean value present -bug fix: fixed another gallery related lazy load issues -feature: in post selection by date added options for "future from today", and "future from tomorrow". -feature: added new function: "put_hide_ids_css" to hide some css comma saparated id's from css tab. -feature: added support for ajax refresh for multiple synced grids together -feature: added option to test instagram data -feature: added phpinfo view in settings - troubleshooting version 1.5.11: -feature: made option to put elementor post_content inside post widget if the post made by elementor -feature: added additional fields to getPostAuthor function like avatar url and author meta -bug fix: set prices display in woocommerce widgets including tax -bug fix: fixed editor js files didn't loaded bug -bug fix: fixed css output with dynamic template and inline css mode -feature: done option to get post parent with the posts in posts selection -bug fix: fixed the ajax pagination that now works with post based gallery widget -bug fix: fixed filters scripts loading before jquery in js -change: set default values of responsive number / slider / dropdown controls to desktop default values -bug fix: allow to select empty terms in term selection control -feature: show the "no posts" message with filters in post list / grid -feature: add background location (back/front) to background widgets version 1.5.10: -bug fix: fixed title and description source in gallery source selection -bug fix: fixed the dropdown attribute php filter for elementor -feature: added "menu_id" for variouse uses as menu attribute output -feature: added option for side offset in owl carousel -feature: added option for second items html refresh in ajax filters version 1.5.9: -bug fix: fixed simple meta output for post list -feature: made dynamic grid work with filters -feature: the background widgets works for the new container objects as well -feature: added include by another meta field in post query version 1.5.8: -feature: set special behaviour for more then one filters on the page -feature: added option to load video item from posts in a gallery -change: set up galleries common default items -bug fix: fixed unclosable gallery lightbox with youtube videos -bug fix: fixed elementor 3.6.0 compatability version 1.5.7: -feature: added option to modify dropdown items in php -bug fix: fixed gallery default items preview and init -bug fix: fixed remote counter js error version 1.5.6: -bug fix: fixed dissapearing items in remote related widgets version 1.5.5: -bug fix: fixed query debug in manual posts selection -bug fix: fixed posts_per_page in manual posts selection -feature: added woocommerce sorting options in posts selection by number of sales and rating -feature: added option to get related products on checkout page -feature: done manual posts and terms selections sort by drag and drop -bug fix: fixed jquery include for remote widgets -feature: done option to custom refresh filters html (for carousels, galleries etc) -feature: made the attributes dialog support multi controls -feature: prepared the galleries and dynamic loops to use filters and load more version 1.5.4: -feature: added roles to post filter: single, main and child -bug fix: fixed some pagination widget buttons related issues -bug fix: fixed non clickable items in some widgets -feature: added option "placeholder" and "disable dynamic" for text field control -feature: added option for debug meta fields in post list, post grid -bug fix: fixed put_items(0) - first item output in twig version 1.5.3: -feature: added functionality to put image inside taxonomy terms widget -bug fix: fixed load more on archive page with orderby=xxx filter in url -change: updated freemius sdk -bug fix: made support for woocommerce special order by in load more -change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.3 version (Security fix) version 1.5.2: -bug fix: fixed load more for current query posts -bug fix: fixed background js based widgets with elementor popups -bug fix: fixed unitegallery unclosed tag issue -bug fix: fixed replace mode in tabs filters -feature: set up remote and sync functionality for the galleries version 1.5.1: -feature: improved post pagination debug and added force options -feature: added code for the button filters -feature: added option to shuffle owl carousel -feature: added option for general "shuffle" in items -change: changed the "choose template" setting text to attirbute title -feature: made option for text modify, and get the current page url and current page title -bug fix: fixed load more if offset turned on in the grid -bug fix: fixed link control attributes parsing -feature: get feature image of a product from a first gallery image if featured image not exists -feature: added function "one_random" and "first" to get_items twig function -feature: added support for jet listing item -bug fix: fixed sync general api related bugs in elementor editor version 1.5.0: -feature: added tabs in items controls -feature: added functionality for ajax taxonomies terms filter -change: added some accessability to owl carousel buttons version 1.4.99: -feature: added option for disable content filtering in general settings->troubleshooting -feature: added taxonomies in widget debug output -bug fix: fixed some gallery lazy load related js bugs version 1.4.98: -feature: modified remote general js api to fit more types of widgets -bug fix: fixed some small php notices output in post query -feature: added support for put meta field in post list version 1.4.97: -feature: add code base for the taxonomy filter -feature: added option to highlight all carousel items -bug fix: added support for acf fields styles in dynamic grid -bug fix: fixed some wp-rocket and filters related bug -feature: added active class to new owl carousel -feature: added scroll on click functionality to new owl carousel version 1.4.96: -bug fix: fixed some filters related issue -feature: use yoast main category feature to determine post main category -feature: added get woocommerce product gallery functionality to twig -feature: added support for multiple attribute conditoins values -feature: added menu order in advanced widget debug type -bug fix: added custom attributes to link attributes output -feature: added WooCommerce endpoints links code to twig -feature: added option to disable font awesome in general settings version 1.4.95: -bug fix: fixed db table not found php bug in some cases version 1.4.94: -bug fix: fixed some small pagination related bug -feature: added meta value2 and meta value3 in include by meta value post selection -feature: added error notice if no api connectivity -bug fix: fixed remote connection parent detection in some cases -feature: made posible multiple includes condition values per assets -bug fix: added content filtering by filter widget_text_content for all the embed and other content modifications -feature: added attributes section conditions -bug fix: fixed edit defaulsin widget settings -bug fix: fixed some polylang issues with the template in dynamic template widgets -security fix: remove the "duplicate layout" functionality (not used in the plugin) that had some security issues -feature: prepared code base for the new galleries version 1.4.93: -bug fix: fixed some connected widgets bugs when there is many of them in the page -change: removed the black friday sale banner -feature: added general remote API for various widgets connections -feature: add some code base for the new gallery output version 1.4.92: -bug fix: fixed similar post content in post list -change: saparated remote and sync options in connected widgets settings version 1.4.91: - bug fix: fixed the wrong post intro in editor mode version 1.4.90: -addition: added black friday banner discount banner and link -change: improved "sync widgets" editor experience -bug fix: fixed depricated "post" attribute bug -bug fix: modified zip extracting error messages version 1.4.89: -bug fix: fixed error message on remote widgets -bug fix: fixed css in post content in editor -bug fix: use better strip tags for post intro -feature: done the functionality for sync widgets -feature: done the functionality remote widgets version 1.4.88: -bug fix: fixed gutenberg support in widgets -bug fix: fixed all the pagination issues in archive page version 1.4.87: -bug fix: fixed some load more last issues -feature: added code for taxonomy terms filter -feature: added code for checkbox filter version 1.4.86: -feature: improved current query debug - full type -feature: added dropdown responsive placeholders -feature: added radio boolean attribute responsive controls -bug fix: fixed controls tabs functionality -bug fix: fixed load more custom image bug -bug fix: fixed double load more in a page mishmash bug -bug fix: fixed all load more issues version 1.4.85: -bug fix: fixed headers already started bug version 1.4.84: -bug fix: fixed conflicting wordpress codemirror script -feature: added taxonomy terms full query debug option -feature: improved full debug type in posts query -bug fix: fixed avoid duplicates related bug -feature: added items support in editor->background switcher -addition: added %,px to slider units -feature: added support for remote controls -bug fix: fixed post selection values init from editor -bug fix: fixed post selection values init from editor -bug fix: fixed pagination on front page -bug fix: fixed some polylang related bugs -feature: functionality to posts load more -feature: added second condition -feature: added tabs functionality to attributes -feature: added functionality for connected widgets version 1.4.83: -bug fix: fixed styles mishmash inside elementor editor navigator -bug fix: fixed dissapearing carousels after refresh bug -bug fix: fixed dynamic grid pagination not changed version 1.4.82: -feature: added troubleshooting setting - show php error message -bug fix: fixed mb_string absence php bug -bug fix: fixed heading attribute label -bug fix: fixed responsive elementor controls in widget items -feature: added px, vh, % options for slider attribute -feature: added dynamic group attributes for galleries, including image and video -feature: added option to convert one date string to another with ucdate filter -feature: added option to use items in background widgets -feature: added ucfunc("set") and ucfunc("get") functions in twig for remember and retrieve variables -feature: added include by option: "children of current term" to category selection options -feature: added option to pull woo product variations in twig -bug fix: fixed error when exists dynamic link in dynamic loop widgets -bug fix: enabled pagination in a single type in dynamic template grid -feature: added placeholder: link_withprefix, link_noprefix for link attribute -bug fix: the "not equal" attributes condition now works -bug fix: fixed not editable empty dropdown attribute in widget editor version 1.4.81: -feature: added json select (lottie) for image attribute type -feature: made option for ajax in widgets with post list attribute -feature: made the ajax pagination work with pagination widget -change: added more types of debug for pagination widget -bug fix: fixed import with template button dissapear in the new bar -bug fix: fixed widgets icons -change: changed widget icons chooser for elementor icon instead of font awesome icon -feature: added dynamic options for number and slider attribute types -feature: added new owl carousel sources in assets chooser -feature: added heading attribute version 1.4.80: -bug fix: fixed some test widgets output relate bugs -feature: added option to change items section label -feature: added js snippet with code that works in elementor popup -bug fix: conditions settings was not affected typography controls -feature: added option to add {current_user_id} keyword in post meta query -feature: added option for block label inside each attribute -feature: added heading text option for items section -change: added some instructions for api connectivity test in general settings - troubleshooting -feature: added extra fields to image base gallery options -feature: added php filter option for variable -feature: added twig functions "get_post_term" and "is_post_has_term". The examples visible when you click on item.posts.putPostTerm placeholder -feature: added current_user_id to include by meta field in post query selector -bug fix: fixed template dynamic background image didn't displayed bug in dynamic loops version 1.4.79: -bug fix: fixed scripts output in preview widget page version 1.4.78: -change: added birthday sale promotions -feature: added woo commerce products to dynamic loop items source version 1.4.77 -bug fix: fixed the is_ajax() error function from the admin area version 1.4.76 -feature: added option to show post last modified date -feature: added function: get_from_sql in widget editor that allow to pull any custom records from DB -feature: added function: run_code_once in widget editor, that allow to run the code only once. Good for many similar widgets on the same page -bug fix: fixed no key_thumb field in images inside widget -bug fix: fixed no condition in image sizes widget setting -bug fix: fixed javascript based backgrounds -change: added some max length for a widget category, now it's 60 -bug fix: fixed brocken svg icon on catalog widget box in some of the cases -feature: added option for load widget js as module -bug fix: fixed collision with rankmath in ajax actions version 1.4.75 -feature: added category image to products list -feature: added option to include as module widget js include -feature: added option to write custom handle to widget js and css include -feature: added options - avoid duplicate posts to post query exclude -feature: added option to include or exclude posts by dynamic field to posts selection -feature: added option to include or exclude posts by logged in user, in posts selection -bug fix: fixed background widget condition functionality -change: changed template picker to simple select2 list version 1.4.74 -feature: added function put_date_range to twig functions. good for events widgets -feature: added integration with google map -feature: added function: "run_code_once" for twig -feature: added grouped options for the gallery -feature: added option to get posts by date from custom ACF field -change: improved dynamic settings attribute -feature: added gallery settings options for dynamic settings attribute -feature: added pagination to dynamic loop version 1.4.73 -bug fix: fixed acf group field output -feature: added twig function: "put_attributes_json" that available in js tab in widget editor -feature: added constant - uc_inside_editor - for distinquish between editor and site front -bug fix: fixed "request too long" message on a widget preview - shortened preview url -bug fix: fixed several bugs with condition field in widgets editor -bug fix: fixed hidden image size select on item attributes -feature: added multiple select attribute -feature: added dynamic settings attribute support -bug fix: fixed elementor template in items, changed to specific function version 1.4.72 -feature: added rating stars helper placeholder for woocommerce -feature: added option to include js file after elementor-frontend -bug fix: fixed new typography deprecation message version 1.4.71 -change: added option for woocommerce categories in terms selection -feature: added option to take post id's from php function in post selection -bug fix: fixed price issues in woocommerce related grids -feature: added option for get posts by meta field that located in current or different post -feature: added twig filter: wc_price for native price filtering -feature: added post terms titles to post data debug -bug fix: fixed include and exclude terms mismatch with nested tax query -bug fix: fixed pagination on search pages version 1.4.70 -bug fix: when bulk moving attribute it now always goes to general category -bug fix: fixed filter posts by status -bug fix: fixed instagram media albom -feature: added show widget data debug options -feature: added option for filter post by post meta -feature: added option for simple condition for attributes -feature: added integration with wordpress popular post plugin for most viewed posts selection -feature: added post list variables for data debug -feature: added image sizes selector for post list -feature: get thumbnailID from content in case that it's missing in post version 1.4.69 -Bug fix: fixed border radius attribute from width to radius -Change: added default values select to hover animations attribute -feature: added extra query debug options for custom post types selector -feature: added choose image size select option to image attribute -bug fix: added missing thumb sizes for image select -feature: added "image_attributes" placeholder for image output in widget editor -change: changed button "add to cart" to "select options" for variable products in woocommerce list widgets version 1.4.68 -feature: added include recently viewed products in woocommerce -feature: added option for default max posts in post selector -feature: added attribute type: Border Dimensions -feature: added attribute type: CSS Filters -feature: added attribute type: Hover Animations -bug fix: removed max posts from archive type post query selection, because has no control over pagination. -bug fix: fixed bug when instagram video images didn't show up -bug fix: done some small css changes to the editor version 1.4.67 -bug fix: fixed woo product price format for decimal prices -bug fix: fixed context menu cut from bottom inside the widgets manager -bug fix: fixed show item data in widgets items repeater -feature: added api connectivity to troubleshooting section -feature: added options in terms selection fields -bug fix: fixed floot to round in woocommerce discount percents -feature: added order by meta key for woo categories select version 1.4.66 -feature: added "box shadow" attribute type -feature: added url_posts and num_posts to users output -bug fix: load js include file in editor even if no js code -feature: added option for selector 2 and selector 3 in several attributes -feature: added copy / paste attributes sections in widget editor -bug fix: fixed some php notice with exclude terms posts selection -bug fix: fixed small bug in getListingItemData function with no object returned -feature: added option for get default object to getListingItemData function -feature: added support for wpml site language inside a widget -bug fix: fixed post selection manual select no posts shown at init -bug fix: fixed bug when private posts not fetched on manual posts selection -feature: added acf image and thumbnails widths and heights to placeholders list -change: updated codemirror to latest version, added code search feature -change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.2 version 1.4.65 -bug fix: fixed php sanitize array bug -feature: added option to fetch custom meta fields in users list -feature: added function to twig: getByPHPFunction() -feature: added function to twig: getUserMeta() -feature: added function to twig: getListingItemData() - working inside any plugin listing -bug fix: fixed post type in related posts post selection version 1.4.64 -change: moved "edit widget html" button to advanced section in general tab -feature: added option to exclude products on sale in products query section in widget settings -feature: added option to exclude specific posts in post selection widget settings -feature: added woocommerce related products select in post selection -feature: added include/exclude posts by author in widget posts selection -feature: added include/exclude posts by date in widget posts selection -feature: added date/time picker to widget attributes types -feature: added post status to widget posts selection -feature: added offset setting to widget posts selection -feature: added author url and author post count to users fields -feature: added max number of users to user selection attribute -feature: added "elementor template" attribute -bug fix: fixed small php bug in post selection control -bug fix: fixed js bug in items repeater -bug fix: fixed exclude role not worked in user selection attribute -bug fix: fixed get products on sale selection with variations version 1.4.63 -feature: added acf link array and attributes -feature: added ordering features to post selection related and manual -feature: added option for showing only sticky posts -feature: added exclude by term setting in widget post selection -change: moved debug data from advaned to general folder in elementor widget settings -bug fix: fixed woo commerce prices number format -bug fix: fixed refresh posts on "post query" section open in widget post settings -bug fix: fixed manual posts selection default order version 1.4.62 -bug fix: fixed image size thumb name with "-" sign inside -change: show woo commerce placeholders if selected "for woocommerce products" checkbox in post list attribute -change: improved woo category output placeholder help, added getTermCustomFields function -bug fix: fixed some php warning related to array to string conversion, happening in php 8 -feature: added text shadow field -feature: added "manual selection" in posts query version 1.4.61 -feature: added max posts and order by options to current query posts selection -bug fix: fixed adding widgets to a db table that is not auto incriment -change: changed buy pro version link from the catalog widgets to inside of the plugin -bug fix: fixed svg preview from widget builder interface -feature: added manual selection for woocommerce categories select -feature: added selector and responsive to drop down attribute in widget builder -bug fix: fixed manual memory check when registering widgets version 1.4.60 -feature: added option for third party integration for woocommerce grid -feature: added integration for "advanced labels for woocommerce" plugin -feature: added view file button in assets manager -feature: added svg icon option together with font icon for elementor panel widget box -feature: added preview image on mouseover inside elementor panel widget box -feature: added option for disabling "edit widget html" from widget settings -bug fix: fixed empty settings when there are gallery item setting only -bug fix: added "no settings" heading in case that no attributes in the widget -bug fix: fixed some php warnings for php 8.0 version 1.4.59 -bug fix: fixed import template redirect -feature: added option to include sticky posts for post query -feature: added post pagination for single page -feature: added number of items for instagram widget -feature: added background image to background attribute version 1.4.58 -feature: make the plugin translatable for version 1.4.57 -feature: done post pagination widget for archive posts -feature: added option to truncate the post list -bug fix: fixed show debug query on current post query version 1.4.56 -update: relesed cyber monday deal admin notice version 1.4.55 -feature: added option to sort by sale price -feature: added option to debug query -feature: added option debug widget data -feature: added option to filter posts with child categories -feature: added option to include only products on sale -bug fix: fixed no widget shown in some cases -bug fix: fixed woocommerce prices placeholders prefix version 1.4.54 -update: updated freemius sdk to newest version -bug fix: fixed comma saparated selector version 1.4.53 -feature: added background widgets and section backgrounds -change: removed global colors from template export version 1.4.52 -bug fix: fixed bug with regular and sale price in woocommerce version 1.4.51 -feature: added svg output in icon library attribute -feature: added woocommerce checkbox to post list -feature: added product out of stock filter for product selection -bug fix: fixed woocommerce category in post list attribute -feature: added discount_percent field in post list attribute woocommerce product type -feature: added woocommerce post list order by price option version 1.4.50 -bug fix: removed display errors setting version 1.4.49 bug fix: fixed small bug with non existing controls bug fix: fixed general settings error when turning off plugin version 1.4.48 -feature: added border attribute -bug fix: page break in some versions of elementor -bug fix: fixed bulk move attributes with categories -bug fix: fixed default items image field not match version 1.4.47 -update: remove russian translation -feature: added function: get_items for twig -bug fix: fixed switch content and style tab -bug fix: fixed slider control tablet/mobile default value -bug fix: fixed non ordered widget categories version 1.4.46 -feature: added function put_items_json for js items output -bug fix: returned widgets from uncategorized category version 1.4.45 -bug fix: fixed template import with custom widgets version 1.4.44 -feature: added flexible content type attribute -update: optimized db queries version 1.4.43 -feature: added option to group attributes into sections -feature: done instagram access token auto renew -feature: added "selector" to color picker attribute -bug fix: improved consolidate widgets option protection -bug fix: fixed select default widget images -bug fix: fixed default items in gallery item (image base fields) -bug fix: fixed image display in default item selector -bug fix: global colors was absent from color selection version 1.4.42 -feature: added option to get grouped woocomerce products -feature: added instagram connect to official API -feature: added function: getUserData(), added into "twig code examples" panel -feature: added "printVar" and "showDebug" functions "twig code examples" panel -feature: done "login with instagram" in general settings, and get data from instgram API -bug fix: sorted "overwrite widgets" issue on import -bug fix: fixed dropdown attribute when work with html data version 1.4.41 -feature: added additional controls to "number" attribute -feature: added "exclude uncategorized category" to woocommerce categories select -feature: added responsive controls to slider attribute -bug fix: fixed template type variable issues in elementor integration -bug fix: show pagination only when "current query" is available -bug fix: fixed select2 field min width in posts query version 1.4.40 -change: hided "consolidate widgets" general setting -feature: added "show/hide wrapping html comments" to general settings -bug fix: fixed export template filename version 1.4.39 -bug fix: fixed save widgets from editor with large config limitation. -bug fix: fixed export template with page settings bug. -bug fix: removed extra fields from items editor, leaved only supported fields -change: updated freemius SDK to latest version version 1.4.38 -bug fix: fixed some update related bugs from 1.4.36 version 1.4.36 -feature: added support for pods panda repeater -bug fix: done some solution for max_execution_time issues when installing template -bug fix: fixed rtl on templates dialog popup -bug fix: corrected the naming near the "number" field -bug fix: cleared "twig" library from some not needed files. -change: removed "image view" file from framework. version 1.4.35 -feature: added term custom fields support -feature: added term meta fields support -change: moved composer vendor folder to plugin root -change: fixed empty templates list bug when "show only installed widget" checkbox checked -bug fix: sorted out some of the templates import bugs version 1.4.34 -bug fix: removed category ations from templates section -bug fix: show "putPostMeta" function even if no example post available -bug fix: fixed finally all the DB not installed issues on elementor and admin pages version 1.4.33 -bug fix: fixed double twig collision by another plugin version 1.4.32 -update: updated to newest twig 1.x version -bug fix: fixed no space between placeholders in php 7.4 bug version 1.4.31 -bug fix: fixed dissapearing widget issue version 1.4.30 -bug fix: fixed but with uncategorized -bug fix: fixed couple of bugs related to templates version 1.4.29 -feature: released the templates catalog version 1.4.28 -feature: added woocommerce categories field -bug fix: fixed export / import with images feature -bug fix: fixed error message on front on some cases when the db tables not installed yet. version 1.4.27 -bug fix: fixed widget default icon in manager -feature: added "getPostMeta, putPostMeta, printPostMeta" functions -feature: added "getPostData" function for acf related posts, that get's all the data from the related post including custom fields version 1.4.26 -change: changed to new api address -bug fix: fixed links not included bug in theme builder posts -bug fix: fixed link to buy pro version -bug fix: fixed free version remain activated bug -bug fix: simpleXML validation made the site down version 1.4.25 -feature: added "responsive controls" to margin and padding setting -feature: made "refresh catalog" button -feature: added "num_items" variable to the widget editor -change: removed the "default fonts" from widget defaults screen -bug fix: fixed some php bug in "implode" function -bug fix: fixed posts from sub categories in post list version 1.4.24 -feature: made "export with images" option in templates -bug fix: fixed import category widgets -bug fix: fixed icon html output placeholder version 1.4.23 -feature: improved the slider attribute -feature: added "menu" attribute version 1.4.22 -feature: added users meta data and profile url -feature: added woo currency symbol -feature: added woo add to cart button -feature: added slider attribute -new widget: logo grid -new widget: logo carousel -new widget: logo marquee -new widget: image tooltip -new widget: content toggle -new widget: circle number -new widget: post list version 1.4.21 -feature: added users attribute -feature: done multiple post type selector -feature: added background attribute -feature: added icon library html output -feature: added woo commerce support in posts list -bug fix: fixed icons not shown bug in widget settings version 1.4.20 -bug fix: fixed font awesome icon output -bug fix: fixed instagram not loading bug -change: updated font awesome css version -change: changed the way that instagram was loaded on the page version 1.4.19 -change: changed the font awesome attribute to fa5 -feature: added filter by slug to terms attribute -feature: changed repeater items titles to the ones from "title" field instead of "Item1", "Item2" etc. -feature: added automated styling for date field, added "ucdate" filter for that. -feature: done functionality for display post author -change: added strip html tags from truncate function version 1.4.18 -feature: added all image sizes to posts -feature: added "putPostTerms" function to posts -feature: added wpautop filter to twig -feature: added option for custom twig PHP functinoality for PRO version -bug fix: fixed pagination output -feature: hide "edit widget html" button for user that don't have capability to see the plugin -feature: added wpml compatablity -feature: added related posts in posts list -feature: added padding and margin controls (pro) version 1.4.17 -change: changed to more flexible catalog api version 1.4.16 -feature: added post query relation (and, or) chooser -change: update to freemius sdk 2.3.1 -feature: added "trancate" filter -bug fix: fixed editor permissions PHP Error version 1.4.15 -change: remove the old deprecated codecanyon activation -bug fix: fixed bug when both plugins are installed together -bug fix: fixed empty widget content when put a lot of content in the widget html/js -feature: added option for fonts for post list for intro and content -feature: added custom filter query ID in posts list query (pro) -feature: added labels to typography fields -feature: added description option for elementor controls -feature: added option to add help links to widgets from the widget editor version 1.4.14 -bug fix: fixed js not included in the page bug version 1.4.13 -bug fix: fixed terms attribute selector bugs in elementor -bug fix: fixed post selection was not showing post types without taxonomies -bug fix: fixed rtl visibility issues in admin version 1.4.12 -feature: added exclude posts by current post -feature: added post category addition custom taxonomy support -bug fix: fixed some bug in post list selector elementor version 1.4.11 -feature: added link param html attributes placeholder -feature: added category link to post list params -bug fix: fixed post list category not displayed bug version 1.4.10 -change: added instructions to download pro version. version 1.4.9 -bug fix: added some front end protection against db not installed bug -feature(pro): added do_action for custom wp actions run -feature(pro): added apply_filters for custom wp actions run -bug fix: fixed export widget with assets path version 1.4.8 -bug fix: fixed tables install version 1.4.7 -bug fix: fixed dynamic variables in repeater -bug fix: fixed post category selection in post list version 1.4.6 -feature(pro) - made taxonomies list attribute -bug fix: fixed admin body class external -feature: make support for categories list -bug fix: fixed current posts fetch in archive type version 1.4.5 -change: improved widgets manager design version 1.4.3 -change: updated the activation link from plugins -change: small UI improvements version 1.4.2 -feature: add post category to dynamic fields -feature: added toolset integration version 1.4.1 -feature: added search widget -feature: the plugin is now fully translatable, added russian translation version 1.4 -change: moved to new payment system (freemius), changed pricing plans version 1.3.39 -feature: add alt tags to image attribute -feature: add automatic name from title on add attribute -feature: redesign categories -bug fix: removed autop filter change code from front end -bug fix: allow to import widget when stand on category from catalog -bug fix: fixed instagram widgets typography bug version 1.3.38 -feature: added code examples / js snippets -feature: added widget preview version 1.3.37 -feature: add support for archive pages -feature: added archive pages pagination -change: changed fonts design controls version 1.3.36 -bug fix: fixed multiple similar js includes in one page version 1.3.35 -feature: add support for acf gallery field version 1.3.34 -feature: improved the post list filtering and ordering version 1.3.33 -feature: added ordering posts by meta value -bug fix: fixed site crash by db error version 1.3.32 -bug fix: fixed pods together with acf fileds -bug fix: fixed catalog delete was showlike non activated -bug fix: added all categories to post list version 1.3.31 -feature: added LINK attribute version 1.3.30 -feature: made PODS integration version 1.3.29 -feature: added set widget icon functionality, with presence in catalog -feature: added preview widget button from the catalog version 1.3.28 -feature: make plugin translatable -bug fix: fixed font override attribute bug version 1.3.26 -feature: added typography attribute version 1.3.25 -change: added support for dynamic fields in image field version 1.3.24 -bug fix: fixed dynamic fields from elementor -change: make some text in empty repeater acf field version 1.3.23 -feature: added dynamic fields to all text controls -feature: added "edit html" button to all widgets -bug fix: fixed consolidated addons render bugs version 1.3.22 -feature: made all acf fields integration including the pro like repeater and clone version 1.3.21 -bug fix: fixed current post bug version 1.3.20 -feature: done all acf fields version 1.3.19 -feature: added acf in dynamic post version 1.3.18 -change: update post child vars when change post version 1.3.17 - feature: add dynamic fields to addon editor version 1.3.16 -bug fixed: fixed the switchers again -bug fix: fixed the upload file -bug fix: fixed checkbox in assets tab -bug fix: fixed upload in assets tab version 1.3.15 -bug fix: fixed some visual bugs -bug fix: fixed radio boolean attribute (switcher) version 1.3.14 -bug fix: fixed addon assets tab bugs version 1.3.13 -feature: done export/import template with addons version 1.3.12 -feature: added fedback on deactivate version 1.3.11 -bug fix: fixed export import layout stuff version 1.3.10 -bug fix: fixed assets tab issues -bug fix: fixed post to articles category rename on install version 1.3.9 -bug fix: fixed test addon jquery include -change: added purchase link to license page version 1.3.8 -bug fix: fixed settings text output version 1.3.7 -bug fix: fixed font manager bug version 1.3.6 -bug fix: fixed taxonomy issues version 1.3.5 -bug fix: fixed add addon functionality version 1.3.4 -improved post types category selection version 1.3.3 -modifications: made some more modifications to fulfil envato team requirements version 1.3.2 -modifications: made some more modifications to fulfil envato team requirements version 1.3.1 -modifications: made some modifications to fulfil envato team requirements version 1.3 -bug fix: fixed js in editor when addins widget version 1.2 -done pro version with a catalog version 1.0.12 -bug fix: fixed instagram widgets version 1.0.11 -bug fix: fixed some wordpress galleries related bug version 1.0.10 -bug fix: fixed export category version 1.0.9 -change: made global setting for consolidata addons or not. -change: updated some memory text in general settings version 1.0.8 -bug fix: fixed all notices related bugs version 1.0.7 -bug fixed with default data types version 1.0.6 -bug fix: fixed js includes consolidated version 1.0.5 -bug fix: fixed js includes more deeply version 1.0.4 -bug fix: fixed js in widgets version 1.0.3 -bug fix: fixed empty category issues version 1.0.2 -bug fix: fixed bug with some unit values in render output version 1.0 first plugin release