=== Multi Step Form === Contributors: mondula2016 Tags: multi, step, forms, multi step form, multi-step, steps, feedback, email, contact form, progress bar, form builder, dynamic, ajax, formular Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 1.7.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Guide your customers with the animated progress bar. Generate dynamic multi step forms. Divide longer forms into small steps for better usability. == Description == Multi Step Form has a drag & drop enabled form builder for quick and intuitive creation of nice-looking multi step forms. Forms can be embedded on any page or post with shortcodes or with Gutenberg blocks. ### Getting started **[Read our documentation](https://mondula.com/multi-step-form-documentation/ "Multi Step Form | Beginners Tutorial")** ### Demo **[Check out our live demo](http://demo.multi-step-form.mondula.com/ "Multi Step Form | Live Demo")** ### Get more information **[Visit our landing page](http://multi-step-form.mondula.com/ "Multi Step Form")** ### Contribute **[The "Multi Step Form" base plugin is OPEN SOURCE](https://github.com/mlooft/multi-step-form "Multi Step Form | GitHub Repository")** **KEY FEATURES:** = ANIMATED PROGRESS BAR = Use our customizable & animated progress bar to guide your users through your forms. Change the colors to match your corporate identity (CI). = FULLY RESPONSIVE = Perfect for mobile access! The frontend of Multi Step Form is fully responsive. It can be used and submitted on all devices. We made sure that the form output can be optimally displayed on all screen resolutions. = DRAG & DROP = Creating forms is as easy as never before. Use drag & drop to place the fields in your form. Fields can be moved and rearranged at any time. The individual steps can also be moved so that the sequence can be reordered or expanded effortlessly. = EASY BACKEND = The backend's structure is simple. Even less technical users can quickly understand the plugin and start creating forms. **Other features:** * **Standard form elements**- You can use all standard form elements such as "radio buttons", "checkboxes", "select", "textfield" and so on... * **File Upload**- Include dynamic file-uploads in your multi step form * **Validated email**- The email field uses a included validation script. * **Calendar item**- Styled datepicker included. * **Show summary**- At the end of each form you can display a short summary. * **Multisite compatibility**- The plugin works on WordPress multisite installs. * **reCAPTCHA v2**- You can enable reCAPTCHA v2 validation for your forms. * **GET Parameters**- You can integrate GET parameters in your forms. * **String replacements**- Use string replacements to create subjects based on form inputs. ### Watch the video [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hyF1SDewok] === MULTI STEP FORM PLUS === **Plus features:** * **Up to 10 steps**- You can now divide your form in up to 10 Steps * **Save form data**- The forms will now be saved in the backend. Easily make some evaluations. * **Conditional fields**- You want to bring more variety to your forms. Use conditional fields. * **Export as CSV-List**- You want to use the form data in e.g. Excel. Export your forms as CSV. **[UPGRADE NOW](https://mondula.com/en/shop/ "Multi Step Form Plus")** == Installation == Installing the plugin can be done either by searching for "Multi Step Form" via the "Plugins > Add New" screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps: 1. Download the plugin via WordPress.org 2. Upload the ZIP file through the 'Plugins > Add New > Upload' screen in your WordPress dashboard 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Q. Looking for FAQs? A. **[Find them here](https://mondula.com/en/multi-step-form-faqs/ "Multi Step Form | FAQs")** == Screenshots == 1. The backend's structure is simple. Even less technical users can quickly understand the plugin and start creating forms. 2. Use our customizable and animated progress bar to guide your users through your forms. Change the colors to match your CI. == Changelog == = 1.7.6 = * tested up to bumped to 6.0 = 1.7.5 = * New EMail Block Option: Confirmation * tested up to bumped to 5.8 = 1.7.3 = * tested up to bumped to 5.7 = 1.7.2 = * More small improvements = 1.7.1 = * Small improvements = 1.7.0 = * Per form settings for email copy to user * Added variable get parameter field * String replacements for email subject and headline * Internal code structure changes = 1.6.1 = * Better Troubleshooting page * Save a form using Ctrl-S/Command-S * Replaced reCAPTCHA v3 with v2 because v3 caused too many problems * Default E-Mail Bugfix * Section Name Bugfix = 1.6.0 = * New Troubleshooting page allows faster debugging and better support * Confirmation dialog before form deletion * Fixed bug with additional email headers * Display max. filesize for upload fields