% extends 'emails/statsNotificationLayout.html' %>
<% block content %>
<%= __('Your stats are in!') %>
<%= subject %>
<% if subscribersLimitReached %>
<%= __('Congratulations, you now have more than [subscribersLimit] subscribers!')|replace({'[subscribersLimit]': subscribersLimit}) %>
<%= __('Our free version is limited to [subscribersLimit] subscribers. You need to upgrade now to be able to continue using MailPoet.')|replace({'[subscribersLimit]': subscribersLimit}) %>
<% endif %>
<%= stats_number_format_i18n(clicked) %>%
<%= stats_number_format_i18n(opened) %>%
<%= stats_number_format_i18n(machineOpened) %>%
<%= __('machine-opened') %>
<%= stats_number_format_i18n(unsubscribed) %>%
<%= __('unsubscribed') %>
<%= stats_number_format_i18n(bounced) %>%
<% if topLinkClicks > 0 %>
<% if topLink starts with 'http' %>
<%= topLink %>
<% else %>
<%= topLink %>
<% endif %>
<%= __('%s unique clicks')|replace({'%s': topLinkClicks}) %>
<% endif %>
<% endblock %>