=== Jupiter X Core === Contributors: artbees Tags: jupiter, jupiterx Requires at least: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.4 Stable tag: 4.1.0 Requires PHP: 7.0 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Core functionalities for Jupiter X theme. == Description == Jupiter X Core plugin provides the necessary core functionality for [Jupiter X](https://jupiterx.artbees.net/) theme. All Jupiter X users need to install and activate this plugin to use the full feature of the theme. - Advanced Control Panel to handle template and plugin installation, manage settings, and more. - Advanced Customizer to customize different parts of the website. - Header, footer, single, archive builders. - New Elementor widgets. - New Elementor Dynamic tags. - and more. It's worth mentioning that, some of the features are disabled for the Jupiter X Lite theme. == Installation == 1. Install using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer, or Extract the zip file and drop the contents in the `wp-content/plugins/` directory of your WordPress installation. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. == Changelog == = 4.1.0 = * Fixed Title link issue in Team Member widget. * Fixed order issue in Slider Widget. * Fixed Arrows issue in Posts Carousel widget. * Fixed Background Activities issue on closing JupiterX Popup. * Fixed fatal error in My Account widget. * Fixed fatal error in Dashboard on Elementor deactivation. * Improved scrolling performance by using passive listeners. * Improved Post Comment widget to be enabled by Elementor Post Settings. * Improved the Simplicity Mode feature. * Improved JupiterX Display feature to be compatible with the Elementor Alignments. * Improved Elementor settings on a fresh install to enable Grid Container and Editor Topbar in settings. * Added Reading Time feature to Advanced Posts widget. * Added Reading Time feature to Posts widget. * Added Reading Time feature to Posts Carousel widget. = 4.0.0 = * Fixed incompatibilities with PHP 8.2. * Fixed PHP warning on My Account widget. * Fixed Email action issue on Form widget. * Fixed Icon size incompatibility with the Inline Font Icons feature on the Search Form widget. * Fixed issue on Elementor Library modal in editor. * Fixed Publish Button issue on Layout Builder. * Fixed User Attributes condition issue on Layout Builder. * Fixed fatal error on Product Title widget. * Fixed Fixed Column’s Vertical Alignment Issue with Display Option. * Improved Jupiterx elementor widgets default colors on a fresh install * Improved Advanced Posts & Posts widgets to show custom taxonomies on meta list and sortable feature. * Improved import readymade-website functionality to prevent Comments from Being Imported. * Improved Products widget to be compatible with Sellkit Product Filter widget. * Improved the Simplicity Mode feature. * Added Site Logo dynamic tag to Site Logo widget. * Added Site Logo feature to advanced menu widget on enabling Simplicity Mode. * Added Setup Wizard feature. = 3.8.6 = * Fixed Slideshow effect issue in the Media Carousel widget. * Fixed placeholder issue in form widget date picker. * Improved the Simplicity Mode feature * Improved a few parts of the dashboard. = 3.8.4 = * Fixed Post Content widget deprecated notice. * Fixed Media Carousel widget loading issue. * Fixed Layout Builder issues. * Fixed Control Panel issues. * Fixed User Type trigger issue in Popup Builder. * Fixed Simplicity Mode issues. * Improved Layout Builder to be compatible with customizer. * Improved Form widget upload file to be compatible with PHP 8.2. * Improved My Account widget to be compatible with all permalink structures. * Improved Cart widget to be compatible with Sellkit Dynamic Discount. * Improved Advanced Menu widget to be compatible with Elementor Pro dynamic tags. = 3.8.0 = * Fixed custom snippet feature issues. * Improved Shopping Cart widget to be compatible with RTL sites. * Improved Add to Cart widget to be compatible with Sellkit Swatches. * Added Simplicity Mode feature. * Added new settings for Button widget in Jupiterx Popup. = 3.7.0 = * Fixed pagination color issue on Post Carousel widget. * Fixed margin bottom issue on Advanced Video widget. * Fixed Posts Per View issue on Products Carousel widget. * Fixed Slides Per View issue on Media Carousel widget. * Fixed Custom Tab Content issue on My Account widget. * Fixed Submenu style issues on Advanced Menu widget. * Fixed overflow issue in mobile view on Post Content & Post Comments widgets. * Fixed Link option issue on Elementor column. * Fixed dropdown arrow issue on Add To Cart widget. * Fixed Counter issue on Shopping Cart widget. * Fixed rendering issue in editor on Product Gallery widget. * Fixed Tooltip feature issues. * Improved Tooltip feaure to be compatible with Jet Tricks plugin. * Improved WooCommerce Settings feature to be compatible with WooCommerce native settings. * Improved Layout Builder conditions to show active templates on top. * Improved Shopping Cart widget to be compatible with WooCommerce Product Add-ons plugin. * Added Popup Builder feature. * Added Circle Progress widget. * Added Category Count option to Categories widget. = 3.5.6 = * Fixed Product Gallery widget issues. * Fixed Call to Action widget issues. * Fixed Shopping Cart widget issues. * Fixed Add to Cart widget issues. * Fixed box-shadow and flip and swap animation issues on Products widget. * Fixed PHP notices issues on Animated Gradient feature. * Fixed Animations setting issues on Button widget. * Fixed loading video issue on Advanced Video widget. * Fixed incompatibility issues with MasterStudy LMS plugin. * Fixed incompatibility issues with Phlox Core plugin. * Fixed Add Template button issues on Elementor editor page. * Improved Shopping Cart widget to be compatible with Sellkit Variation Swatches. * Improved Posts widget to be compatible with WooCommerce Products post type. * Improved Archive Title widget to be enabled on Page Title Bar template. * Improved Add Template to install template without elementor sign-up. * Added Decimal Slides Per View setting to Testimonial Carousel widget. * Added new settings to Add to Cart widget. * Added custom filter for Cart and Checkout pages condition to Shopping Cart widget. = 3.4.6 = * Fixed PHP notice on Product Data Tabs widget. * Fixed "Fade and Swap" issue Products widget. * Fixed Shopping Cart widget conflict. * Improved Products widget to be compatible with Sellkit Product Filter widget. * Improved Shopping Cart widget to be compatible Sticky Header and Motion Effect. = 3.4.3 = * Fixed vulnerability issues. * Fixed JS error on checkout page. * Fixed JS error on Product Gallery widget. * Fixed add to cart ajax issue on Shopping Cart widget. * Fixed overflow issue with inline variations on Add to Cart widget. * Fixed box-shadow issue on Cart widget. * Fixed issues on Products widget. * Fixed issues on search page. * Improved Layout Builder condition modal with new design. * Improved add to cart ajax on Shopping Cart widget to be compatible with group products. * Added filter to customize excerpt on Advanced Posts widget. = 3.3.8 = * Fixed vulnerability issues. * Fixed icon issue on My Account widget. * Fixed Add to Cart widget issues. * Fixed Table View issues on Product Meta widget. * Added Margin setting to Meta section on Advanced Post widget. = 3.3.5 = * Fixed vulnerability issues. * Fixed WooCommerce Settings feature issues. * Added App Secret to Facebook Social Login widget. = 3.3.0 = * Fixed Product Carousel issue on Dashboard Settings. * Fixed Order Received page issue on Layout Builder. * Fixed pagination issue on Products widget. * Fixed Advanced Menu widget issues. * Fixed Table of Content widget issues. * Fixed My Account widget issues. * Fixed Cart widget issues. * Fixed Toggle Icon size issue on Advanced Accordion widget. * Fixed Layout builder issues. * Fixed variation issue on Add to Cart widget. * Improved Add to Cart widget on editor. * Improved Testimonial Carousel widget to be compatible with wp-rocket plugin. * Improved Site Logo widget to be compatible with retina logo. * Added WooCommerce Notices widgets. * Added WooCommerce Settings feature. * Added button icon selector to Add to Cart widget. * Added new settings to Cart widget. * Added new settings to Shopping Cart widget. * Added edit Message content option to Form widget. = 3.2.0 = * Fixed Custom Message on Login Form widget. * Fixed Forgot Password extra padding issue on Login Form widget. * Fixed price color issue on Product Price widget. * Fixed height calculation issue on Products widget. * Fixed Add to Cart button animation while using Flip and Swap on Products widget. * Fixed image size issue on Products widget. * Fixed background gradient transition issue on Button widget. * Fixed Hover Effects issue on Button widget. * Fixed Custom CSS/JS incompatibilities with PHP 8.1. * Fixed Content Effects issues on Advanced Menu widget. * Fixed Excerpt Length issue on Advanced Posts widget. * Fixed undefined function ctype_digit fatal error. * Fixed default value issue on Product Short Description widget. * Fixed white-space issue on Content Marquee widget. * Improved Layout Builder. * Improved Posts widget to be compatible with Polylang plugin. * Improved Sorting and Result Count on Products widget. * Added Depicter as new partner. * Added Post Meta for Header and Footer templates on Layout Builder. * Added new settings for Select and Text swatches on Add to Cart widget. * Added Checkmark to Color swatch on Add to Cart widget. = 3.1.0 = * Fixed some security issues. * Fixed Products widget issues. * Fixed Custom Font issue in Elementor Global settings. * Fixed Advanced Menu widget issues. * Fixed Advanced Posts widget issues. * Fixed Image Comparison widget issues with wp-rocket plugin. * Fixed Advanced Tab widget issues. * Fixed Short Description widget issues. * Fixed Table of Content widget issues. * Fixed Product Reviews widget avatar issue. * Fixed Login Form widget Forgot Password style issue. * Fixed Page Title Bar issue. * Fixed swatches issues on Add to Cart widget. * Fixed get_page_by_title deprecated function. * Improved Call To Action widget settings. * Improved Testimonial Carousel widget settings. * Improved Media Carousel widget settings. * Improved Reviews widget settings. * Improved Slider widget settings. * Improved Products Carousel widget settings. * Improved Sticky Media Scroller widget settings. * Improved Products widget to be compatible with Sellkit Product Filter widget. * Added new settings for Product Gallery widget. * Added Box Shadow for Flip Box widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Posts Carousel widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Advanced Posts widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Media Gallery widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Products Carousel widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Products widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Sticky Media Scroller widget. * Added responsive Aspect Ratio & Media Position for Video widget. * Added Image Gallery to WooCommerce product variations. * Added Content Effects to Advanced Menu wdiget. = 3.0.0 = * Fixed Testimonial Carousel, Media Carousel and Reviews issues. * Fixed Product Meta widget spacing issue. * Fixed Product Gallery widget lightbox issue. * Fixed Register and Login widgets issues. * Fixed Navigation Menu widget issues. * Fixed Product Price widget font family issue. * Fixed Content Switch widget issues. * Fixed Cart widget issues. * Fixed Code Highlight widget issues. * Fixed Progress Tracker widget issues. * Fixed import template issue. * Fixed 404 template issues on Layout Builder. * Improved Products widget. * Improved Video widget. * Improved Post Comments widget. * Improved Posts Carousel widget. * Improved Media Carousel widget. * Improved Button widget. * Improved Image widget. * Improved Photo Roller widget. * Improved Layout Builder to be compatible with WPML plugin. * Added Products Carousel widget. * Added Advanced Posts widget. * Added Post Terms widget. * Added Media Gallery widget. * Added Image Comparison widget. * Added Table of Contents widget. * Added Wrapper Link feature. * Added Animated Gradient feature. * Added Text Marquee widget. * Added Content Marquee widget. * Added Content Marquee widget. * Added Testimonial Marquee widget. * Added Sticky Media Scroller widget. * Added Advanced Accordion widget. * Added Added Team Members widget. = 2.7.0 = * Fixed Social Share widget icon issues. * Fixed Advanced Tab widget issues. * Fixed Cart widget issues. * Fixed Counter widget issues. * Fixed Motion Effects issues. * Fixed Animated Heading widget issues. * Improved Layout Builder performance. * Improved Button widget Padding option. * Improved Image widget max-width option. * Improved JupiterX Dashboard. * Added Mobile Stacking option to the Advanced Tab widget. = 2.6.4 = * Fixed Layout Builder loading assets issue. * Fixed Motion Effect issue. * Fixed Social Login widget issues. * Fixed incompatibilities with PHP 8.1.3. * Fixed Post Meta widget issue. * Fixed custom control UI issue in Elementor. * Fixed Preview Settings issues. * Fixed Author Box widget issue on Layout Builder. * Fixed Custom Snippet conditions issue. * Fixed Elementor deprecated notices. * Improved Register and Login widgets. * Improved AJAX calls on Dashboard. * Added Reading Time to Post Meta widget. = 2.5.9 = * Fixed Incompatibility issue with PHP 8.1 in the nav menu. * Fixed dark icons in business hours widget. * Fixed deprecated error in previous release. * Fixed preview settings issues. * Added Social Share widget. * Added Paypal and Stripe buttons widget. * Added Inline SVG widget. * Added Progress Tracker widget. * Added Code Highlight widget. = 2.5.5 = * Fixed critical errors that happened while using child themes. = 2.5.4 = * Fixed some features' redundant codes. = 2.5.3 = * Added cart widget. * Added scroll snap feature. * Added media carousel widget's revision. * Added post navigation widget. * Added testimonial carousel widget's revision. * Added a switch to disable the custom quantity field. * Added a loader for load more button. * Improved widgets availability. * Improved post comment compatibility with customizer. * Improved global widget attributes. * Fixed a small bug in heading of Ornaments theme. * Fixed checkbox bug in the form widget. * Fixed the Elementor extra ads. * Fixed importing issue in the WooCommerce. * Fixed php notice in the logs. * Fixed the error after deactivating the theme. * Fixed advanced menu submenu bug. = 2.5.2 = * Fixed global widget issue in fresh installation. * Fixed layout builder importing issue. * Fixed advanced menu small control issue. * Fixed custom icon typos. * Fixed product rating link issue. * Fixed media attachment compatibility issue. * Fixed product additional info errors. = 2.5.1 = * Fixed Layout builder remove button issue. * Fixed undefined array key error in nav menu. * Fixed removing empty font type URL from css. * Fixed file upload issue in form widget. * Fixed incompatibilities with php 7. * Fixed alignment controls in slides. * Fixed custom snippet js error. * Fixed Layout builder admin js issues. = 2.5.0 = * Fixed elementor pro ads. * Fixed header issue with custom template. * Fixed corocobloc plugin conflict. * Fixed pot file generation small issue. * Fixed search form error. * Fixed white label issue. * Fixed some conditions functionality in layout builder. * Fixed menu icons conflict. * Fixed lite theme version rollback issue. * Fixed SellKit warning. * Fixed Product widget tag issue. * Added Product title widget. * Added Product gallery widget. * Added Product reviews widget. * Added Additional information widget. * Added Add to cart widget. * Added Product data tabs widget. * Added Global widget feature. * Added Button widget extra options. * Added Motion effect feature. * Added Custom attribute feature. * Added Role manager feature. * Added Product price widget. * Added Product rating widget. * Added Product meta widget. * Added Product content widget. * Added Product short description widget. * Added Product short description widget. * Added Tooltip feature. * Added My account widget. * Added Custom css feature. * Added Dynamic content feature. * Added Site title widget. * Added Post title widget. * Added Author box widget. * Added Woocommerce breadcrumb widget. * Added Advanced menu widget. * Added Custom fonts feature. * Added Custom icons feature. * Added Pricing table widget. * Added Animated heading widget. * Added Flip box widget. * Added Price list widget. * Added Archive title widget. * Added Description widget. * Added Lottie widget. * Added Call to action widget. * Added Hotspot widget. * Added Media carousel widget. * Added Testimonial carousel widget. * Added Slider widget. * Added Reviews widget. * Added Business hours widget. * Added Product media attachment feature. * Added Content switch widget. * Improved template importing process. * Improved Form elementor widget. * Improved Layout builder issues. * Improved location of some conditions in layout builder. * Improved showing widgets based on the type of page. * Improved Layout builder UX. * Improved Video widget. * Improved Layout builder compatibility with JetWooBuilder. = 2.1.1 = * Fixed some security issues. = 2.1.0 = * Fixed some security issues. = 2.0.9 = * Fixed security issues. * Improved control panel. * Improved customizer. = 1.0.0 = * Initial release.