=== Simple Floating Contact Form === Contributors: wpserved Donate link: https://wpserved.com/ Tags: contact form, floating form, popup contact form, floating contact form, contact button, simple contact form Requires at least: 5.4 Tested up to: 6.3 Stable tag: 1.4.0 Requires PHP: 7.2 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Simple Floating Contact Form is a simple tool to build website visitor engagement. == Description == = This lightweight plugin was designed to make your work easier. It’s simple. It’s quick. = [Simple Floating Contact Form](https://simple-contact.com/?utm_source=simple_contact_plugin&utm_medium=wp_repo_desc&utm_campaign=wpserved_plugins&utm_id=wpserved_plugins) is a super easy to use, secure, plug and play floating contact form for your WordPress website. - Crafted by experienced UX designers so you get expected business results. - No configuration required to start collecting messages from your website visitors. - Flexible and easy to understand settings - for every single detail of your form. - Styling options include flexible color settings, custom icon upload and more. - You have full control over where the form is displayed. = How to use the Simple Floating Contact Form plugin? = - After installation you need to Activate the plugin. - Right after activation your plugin is ready to use and collects messages from your website. It’s that simple! - You can navigate to the Settings > Simple Floating Contact Form section in your WordPress Admin area, and customize or translate every single text information or text label of the form. - In the Display tab within the plugin settings page you can decide where you want to display your form. = Core Features = - **Plug & Play** - Right after the installation plugin works with default settings and no further configuration is required to get form submissions and receive emails from your clients, or community members. - **Developer friendly plugin** - You can easily disable the plugin CSS code and overwrite it with your own, custom made styles. - **Easy to customize** - You can change all texts and colors in the plugin settings, you can overwrite default styles with your own custom made code, you can easily integrate the form style with [Astratic WordPress theme](https://astratic.com/?utm_source=simple_contact_plugin&utm_medium=wp_repo_desc&utm_campaign=wpserved_plugins&utm_id=wpserved_plugins) settings. = If you like this plugin = If you like this plugin, leave us a rating or review. Thank you! :-) = Join The Team = You can find the plugin’s source code on our GitHub repo page. Feel free to play around with the code and to contribute. == Screenshots == 1. So Simple! Sooo Easy! == Changelog == = 1.4.0 = Add loading animation to submit button Declare position CSS property to form header = 1.3.0 = Add preview of uploaded icons Move custom icons upload fields to the "Style" tab = = Update styles = 1.2.7 = Update the "Tested up to" value Update fields label Update tab description Rewrite the frontend layer Add preview feature = 1.2.6 = Add fields to customize success view = 1.2.4 = Hotfix with description of email recipient field = 1.2.3 = Add new plugin Description Add plugin screenshot = 1.2.2 = Fix CSS problems with the popup form = 1.2.1 = Fix problem with link shortcode = 1.2.0 = Add the possibility to hide the agreement checkbox by leaving it empty = 1.1.1 = Update the "Tested up to" value = 1.1.0 = Add possibility to link text in the checkbox label = 1.0.1 = Fix problem with CSS = 1.0 = * Working version of Simple Floating Contact Form plugin